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Don’t rely on self-reported skills or interview answers. Get a true measure of a candidate’s Excel proficiency before you hire.
This test goes beyond theoretical knowledge and assesses how well candidates perform real Excel tasks.
With results available instantly, you can quickly determine if a candidate is the right fit for your team.
Take the guesswork out of your hiring process and make Excel proficiency a clear factor in your decision-making.
Find out if your existing team members need additional Excel training and give them the tools to succeed.
Before you bring someone on board, make sure their Excel skills are up to the challenge. Our proficiency test helps you avoid costly mistakes.
Click the link to sign employees up. Each employee gets their own log in and test.
If you have more than 10, email for assistance.
Each employee will have their own log in. You get both options when you purchase, choose to use 1 or both.
1. Employee takes 30 question quiz, automatically graded by system.
It's recommended that for scores below 90% they enroll in the Excel Survival Course.
2. Employee takes the hands-on Excel workbook test, and you grade it using the answer key.
If you choose just the quiz, it's automatically graded, and the employee can send you their results.
If you choose the hands-on test, you have an easy-to-use scoring answer key. This ensures they have more than just book knowledge and can apply Excel skills.
Using both tests are recommended for comprehensive results.
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